The Collect for 2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Almighty God, by whose grace alone we are accepted and called to your service: strengthen us by your Holy Spirit and make us worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers for this week:
Diocese of Singapore
- Pray for Archbishop Titus and his team – for the LORD’s continued protection, grace, wisdom and strength.
- The LORD’s anointing upon the clergy and lay leaders as they seek to implement the plans for the New Year.
- The church will continue to be ambassadors for Christ and a beacon of hope for those in need as we seek to reach out with the love of Christ.
- The church will be a loving community that is vibrant in witness and that bears fruit in every good work.
- We pray the LORD’s mercy that leaders of all nations will commit to resolve the conflict and end the wars in Russia and Ukraine and in the middle East. Pray for the LORD’s mercy, grace and strength on those suffering under the atrocities of war. May they receive the aid necessary for their survival under harsh conditions.
- Pray for the fire in California – for the LORD’s mercy upon the wind and weather conditions as authorities and fire fighters fight against time to control the fire. May His grace and strength be upon those who has lost loved ones and homes; and those who are rebuilding their lives.
- Pray for wisdom and strength on our President, political and civil service leaders as they seek to navigate the many challenges facing the country amidst an increasingly uncertain world.
- We continue to pray that politics in Singapore remain fair and honest, that good candidates who care for the country will step up to serve the country. May our country remain united.
- Pray for blessings of warm family ties as Chinese families gather during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
St Hilda’s Church
- Pray for our clergy, lay leaders, pastoral and admin team – may God’s anointing, wisdom, grace and strength be with them. May they move together as one in faithfulness and obedience. And may the Lord bless the work of their hands as they seek to be faithful in their service unto Him and His Church.
- Pray for opportunities to reach out lovingly to our family and friends with the gospel. May the LORD grow in our hearts a passion for souls.
- We pray for the upcoming Alpha. May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of the pre-believers as we reach out and invite them for the Intro Dinner. We pray for God’s protection against any obstacles that may hinder them. We pray that many will have the opportunity to hear the gospel of eternal life and experience the saving grace of Jesus.
- We pray for members inviting their friends to the Watoto concert. May all who come be blessed by the warmth and love of Jesus and have an enjoyable time at the concert.
- Pray for those who suffer in mind, body and spirit, the lonely and the bereaved. May they experience the Lord’s healing grace and know that He is their ever-present help in times of need.