Today's Message

Almighty God, in Christ you make all things new. Transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Amen.

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The Vicar Writes …

31 Dec 2023

Dear St Hilda’s Family,

A blessed Year 2024 to you and your loved-ones!

Congratulations to our dear Church as she turns 90! We give thanks to God for watching over her and for watching over all of us, keeping us strong in our faith and giving us his Shalom Peace.

Our theme for 2024 is “In His Footsteps”. We will go through the gospel according to Luke for most of this year. The Lord put the theme and Luke’s gospel on my heart for our church for this special year. It has been many years since we last went through a gospel. The world is becoming more and more ‘enticing’ with all sorts of temptations and new moral concepts. As Christians, we need to go back to the source of our faith, our Lord Jesus Christ. As we draw closer to him, he will guide us by his Holy Spirit and keep us on the path of righteousness.

What comes to mind when you reflect on Jesus’ earthly ministry? For me, it is his miracles, his compassion, his forgiveness, and his life in total surrender to his Father’s will, no compromise! Often, our lives look very different.

“In His Footsteps” means to learn from Jesus afresh, to grow in our commitment and to be fully united in him. The artwork was designed by Jadyn Koh. She was inspired by Jesus walking on water. If we follow him – in faith – we won’t sink, we won’t create our own footsteps, but follow him all the way. The fishing boat in the distance is our goal. We will put down our nets again and receive an abundant harvest. Hallelujah!

The anchor verses for 2024 come from Luke 1:46-47 “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” This is the outcome of a life in the footsteps of Jesus.

It is my prayer that our souls and lives will always magnify the Lord, as individuals and as a church community!
With much love,
Ps Martin

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Weekly Holy Communion Church Services
  • Saturday Evening Service (SES) at 5pm in the Church Sanctuary.
  • Sunday (E1) at 8am in the Church Sanctuary.
  • Sunday (E2) at 10.15am in the Bethel Hall.

E3 Service

Saturdays at 2pm in the Bethel Hall.

Online (Non Holy Communion) Services

Available on Sundays from 3pm instead of 8am.
YouTube channel:

The podcast (audio of the sermon only) will be available each Tuesday.


Private Worship

The church sanctuary is open for prayer and worship during the week.

You may book your time slot by calling the church office at 63443463.

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Reference materials and resources for Home Cells, Bible Study Groups and Christian Education Ministries may be found in this link to Ethos Institute’s website.

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“Be Still and Know You are God”

5 Dec 2022
A Testimony from Ps Allison Chee
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
My journey with God ……
I want to give thanks and praise to God, my beloved family, the family of God at St Hilda’s and the wider body of Christ for praying for me, especially during these past few weeks. My diagnosis must have come as a shock to many of you and I think some may have asked “why?”, “what happened?” “how come?” But thanks be to God – I was so filled with the overflowing love of God during my stay in hospital because I knew that many of you at St Hilda’s were covering me in prayer. The song that God placed in heart was the chorus of “Still” – “when the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm, Father You are King over the flood, I will be still and know You are God”. I felt so assured that all I needed was to just be still and know that He is in control, and I will soar with Him above the storm. I felt very calm and carefree throughout my stay in hospital.

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