The senior citizens of St Hilda’s Church are active and healthy. They serve in the various ministries of the church. They are found in the breakfast ministry, the home visit ministry, cell group ministry, service-related ministries (ushers, servers, readers, intercessors), and wakes / funeral ministry.
They hold various activities for our senior citizens:
They organise outings three times a year both locally and overseas. Many of our senior members look forward to these outings. It is a great way to have fun and fellowship and going to places we have not been.
Informative talks are held twice a year. Topics include health and wellness, financial as well as spiritual issues. As our members age age, there are many medical issues to deal and cope with. External speakers with specialized skills are invited to come and share with our members. Spiritual talks are organized as well, to encourage and spur members on in their spiritual journey.
A Wednesday Bible Study Fellowship meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday to help members in their spiritual growth. It starts at 10.00am and ends about 11.30am.
The Shalom Exercise Program started in March 2011. Members meet every Wednesday from 8.30 – 9.30am in Bethel Hall for workouts. This is to keep them fit and healthy in their service to the Lord.
Seniors also try to go on at least one mission trip a year to share their experiences and testify to those they meet. This is a great opportunity for them to learn from others and to share Christ with them. Seniors are not useless in their aging years. With years of experience, our seniors can be a blessing to others if we allow God to work in them and through them.