Children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). They are an integral part of our Church community.
Our desire is that they will grow up to know God intimately, especially through the Bible and to worship Him in spirit and in truth. The various age-group ministries operate concurrently during the worship service times. They are geared towards helping our children in their spiritual formation. These are not child-minding programmes.
Our goal is to see every child mature and worship in one of our congregations by the time they “graduate” at age 13 years old.
Meeting in the Children’s Sanctuary (room at the back of the Sanctuary) and also Room 214-216 each Sunday from 8am, our dedicated teachers use the Gospel Light materials to engage our pre-primary to primary school age children with Bible studies and activities. Join them for a time of learning together!
This ministry caters to children up to 3 years old. The focus is to express God’s love and initiate discipleship through Bible stories and activities tailored for the toddler. The Cradle club is located in Room 108 on Level 1 next to the Timothy Centre. The Cradle Club is specially renovated to be infant and child-friendly. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join the little ones as they start their journey of walking and loving Jesus each Sunday!
Each year in March, children 4 to 6 years old are graduated into their next stage of spiritual formation. They continue to learn core Bible truths through stories and activities that extend and challenge them to grow deeper in love with Jesus. The Praise Club meets in Room 113, on Level 1, next to the Sanctuary. Come and be impacted by a group of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers and helpers who serve our young ones with love each week!
Our primary school children, aged 7-12 years old, gather each week for a time of worship before breaking into small groups to encounter the Word according to their ages and development. On top of weekly meetings, the KFC has special programmes and year-end camps to engage and challenge our children to know God better and to grow in their faith. They meet to worship in Room 117, on Level 1 next to the Manna house, before proceeding to smaller rooms for Bible studies.
You can find out more in the KFC Newsletter here.
The vision for the Victory Kids is to let children know Jesus and to develop positive character values. This is done through fun-filled games, Bible stories and songs. They meet each Sunday afternoon in Bethel Hall on Level 2 from 2.30pm to 4.00pm, and follow the Singapore school terms. This outreach programme is aimed at children from our neighbourhood and also students from our St. Hilda’s Kindergarten. All are welcome!
The English congregation’s youth ministry is called New Day. It seeks to build up the faith of the young, aged 13 to 18, and to empower them to respond to God’s call in their lives. These participate in weekly discipleship groups led by young adults and mentors.
Young adults above 18 years to 25 have their own bible study group where they study the Bible and share life challenges as young adults.
The latter two groups worship largely at the 10.15am or E3 service.
There is another smaller group known as the Creed Group that meets during the 8am or E1 service. This group is made up of 12 youths and young adults aged from 13 to 22 who accompany their parents to the E1 service.
The Mandarin congregation also has a youth group of about 10 youths.