We welcome testimonies by church members. Please limit the number of words to 500. Please email your testimonies to church@sthildas.org.sg. If it is in hard copy, you may deliver them to the Church Office addressed to Colin Chee and Linda Chee. We would also appreciate if a photograph can be shared to illustrate a testimony.
Reality really sank in. My life is really, really in God’s Hands. Each new day is a gift from Him.
Yes, the marathon goes on and I will have to soldier on but once again I am reminded that “when I am weak, then I am strong” ( 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 ) because the Lord, I know, will not abandon me but continue the rest of the way with me.
Throughout this arduous journey, God’s provision was endless.
A few years ago I submitted my testimony. It didn’t have a title but the editor in charge of the St Hilda’s website kindly gave it one – “In Waiting I Meet Him”.
I think it was and still is a very appropriate title. I will entitle this testimony “In Waiting, I Meet the Lord Again”.
I still have a long way to go but I know that God was with me, is with me and will be with me always. Amen!
“I was 15 years old. There was a foreign speaker during a sermon and I was in the school hall. All I knew was that tears started to flow. That was the first time I received the touch of Christ.”
– A Testimony by Mona Lim. E2, 2015
Mona Lim has been with the Church for 48 years. A former St Hilda’s schoolgirl, she remembers the time when she accepted Christ.
“St Hilda’s has aided my growth in faith through its support. When I look back, all I know is that God was always there guiding the way.”
– PCC member David Soh has been with St Hilda’s for 41 years. His father brought him to the Church, which makes his children third-generation Christians in
St Hilda’s.
– A Testimony by David Soh.2015
“It was during Religious Emphases Week. I was in Primary Two then and this speaker came and talked about Jesus and Prayer. I distinctly remembered that she said ‘if you pray, Jesus will heal you’. I wanted to be first in class. The speaker mentioned that we had to pray very hard and I didn’t know what that meant, so I prayed ‘very hard’ every night that I would be first in class. True enough, I became first! That’s how I first got to know God.”
“But it was only in secondary school at St. Hilda’s that I understood how to give my life to Christ then. You can call it a rededication, but in terms of understanding, it gradually grew and I invited Christ into my life again.”
– A Testimony by Angeline Loh. E2, 2015
“After my husband was baptized we were very active in church. It became a home for me and my husband, Lawrence. Becoming involved in ministry, you are also blessed with friends. In the 1990’s, Lawrence and I would go for missions. I was involved in the children’s ministry during missions and that inspired me to be in the children’s ministry in St Hilda’s Church. I taught in Kids for Christ for more than 20 years.”
– A Testimony by Patricia Loh. E2, 2015
Patricia Loh followed her parents who worshipped at St Hilda’s Church. She was confirmed in St Hilda’s in 1966, when she was 12 years old, but attended St Andrew’s Cathedral. She returned to St Hilda’s when her first child, Amanda, was born. Her husband, two children and sister Daisy’s family are all baptised in St Hilda’s in 1985.
Does God have favourites?
Huddled, in bed.
What bliss!
In the distance, the twinkling of city lights –
Their gentle reflection on water
Brightly beckoning the unsuspecting eye.
It’s midnight, but cars zoom busily by.
My God is so great, so loving,
So kind, so generous.
He who knows my every need, want,
And every secret desire,
Surprises and stills my heart
With His most generous gifts!
Long before I even realize I had dreams
He already knew what was on my heart,
He knew what would be good for me,
Grand for me, delightful to me…
Oh the boundless love of God,
Revealed so personally,
Delivered so delightfully,
Expressed so lovingly!
How do I thank You
My God and Heavenly Father!
I am a daughter of St. Hilda’s.
St. Hilda’s has always been my home.
I was not born into a Christian family. My mother was a “Katong kid” and she attended school at St. Hilda’s. When I was a child, I attended St. Hilda’s Kindergarten, and later on the Primary and Secondary Schools. And so in school, I sang all the Christian songs, learnt the Lord’s Prayer and attended morning devotion. But I also went to the Buddhist temple, offered incense and tossed the “jiaobei” (wooden divination blocks).
It was not until Primary 4 (when I was about 10 years old) that a teacher in school told us about a conference that was taking place at the old National Stadium. She was referring to the Fire Conference by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. It was there that my family became born-again Christians, and then that we started attending St. Hilda’s Church.
St. Hilda’s Church was where I grew up, and where my closest friendships were forged. As a youth, I had a relationship with God and was very active in ministry but as I grew older, I was distracted and started drifting. Eventually, I got married and moved away altogether. This was about 10 years ago. But my story is not unique. I can pretty much take the last four sentences and apply it to many of my friends. The same ones I grew up with in church.
Anyway, let us “fast-forward” a few years to April 2013. I had been married almost eight years when my husband, Nic, was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer.
We were devastated and could only turn to God. Although our names were still in the St. Hilda’s Church membership roll, Wesley Methodist Church was our then defacto parish as Nic’s family were members of the church, and it was close to home in Tiong Bahru.
The first six months post-diagnosis was an intense time of seeking, reaching for and drawing close to God. Eventually, there came a point in time where I felt called to pursue my ministry in music once again. To do so, I would have to be an actual member of Wesley and of the Methodist Church. I had always resisted, telling myself that it was okay. I could just attend the church. It did not matter where my name is. But, secretly, I knew that my heart was always in Katong, at St. Hilda’s.
But we soon realised the importance of proper spiritual covering from the church and the body of Christ. So, eventually, some time in September or October 2013, the decision was made to switch our membership over to Wesley. We would have to attend the membership class, and so we registered and paid for it. I also reached out to the music ministry and arranged to join the team, starting by attending the band jamming sessions.
That same week, on the St. Hilda’s side, I arranged to meet my long-time leader and mentor, Calvin, to “break the news” to him. Unknown to me at that time (Calvin told me about it after the fact), God was speaking to Calvin and said to him that I would come home to St. Hilda’s. So imagine his surprise or confusion when I told him the complete opposite. He thought perhaps he was a little off his game.
Hah… But it is amazing how God works. I had always only attended Wesley so that I would be in a church together with Nic and his family. But that very night, it was Nic who raised the topic of visiting St. Hilda’s. He said that because that spiritual covering is so important, we must make sure we’re making the right decision, and we have to visit St. Hilda’s. So on Sunday (right after I told Calvin I was going to “officially” switch churches), we turned up at St. Hilda’s.
From then on, it was just a matter of time.
The love, support, prayer and true spiritual covering we felt from the moment we stepped foot onto the church grounds was immense and immeasurable. So many people reached out to us, one aunty had a word for us, another uncle came with prayer and encouragement… And the numerous hugs and friendly smiles… We could have been blind, deaf and dumb yet still see what God was saying through the church about where He wanted us to be.
Nonetheless, we did not want to “jump the gun” or be swayed by emotion but by January 2014, we were back “full-time” at St. Hilda’s and I started service in the E3 music ministry.
Over time, Nic was unable to make the trip to church with me. But the love and support did not stop. In fact, it grew stronger with each day, right up to his passing in November this year. The past twenty months have not been easy, but God used the situation to bring me back to where he wants me to be. He brought me home to St. Hilda’s, and drew me close to Him. He used the church and the body to meet my needs and gave me this family to journey through the difficult times, then and now.
I believe God is calling us all home (this includes all of the friends I grew up with in church), just like He called me and brought me home. He wants to meet you at your every point of need; He can, and He will, if you will just allow Him to. I hope my testimony has given you a glimpse of how it can be for you too.
I had spent 65 years believing in a different God. But since June this year, I accepted Jesus Christ as the one and only God. I thought I was considered very advanced in age to do so. However, someone once told me that her father accepted Christ at the age of 90 years old. So, I’m not so late after all!
Three years ago, I was invited by my son to attend St Hilda’s church camp in Kuala Lumpur. By the last night there, it dawned upon me that this was not just a church function or social gathering. Even as a Buddhist at that time, I was warmly welcomed and accepted. I quickly recognized the unity amongst the followers of this God, and how passionate they were as they worshipped together, and shared the Gospel with me.
It took me another two years of attending church camps, and the calling of the Holy Spirit, to accept the undeniable truth in Christ as my Savior and the creator of this world.
I quote 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
Indeed, since then, my life is experiencing a period of renewal. A good source of proof would come from the ones closest to me. They would testify, in their own words, that I grumble and nag less often, that I am less ‘gan cheong’ and less self-righteous. It seems that God is molding me to be more accepting of others, rather than expecting a lot from them.
I’ve been asked, “How is this so? What makes you different?” I can only think of one word – humility. Because of God’s great love, I am forgiven for all my sins, so, I too should forgive freely. Because God accepted me, despite all my flaws, I too can accept other people’s weaknesses and differences.
With more trust in Christ in my daily life, I strive less in my own strength and worry less about endless things. Maybe that’s why they say I’m less ‘gan cheong’!
I want to know God better and experience this freedom in coming to Him. I know this relationship will last forever and I pray that many more people will come to experience this great joy I’ve received.
“St Hilda’s has always been known as a family church, so it feels like the church adopted me. I got to work with the students in St Hilda’s Secondary School back in the days during Religious Emphases Week. God put in my heart a vision to save these girls in a dream. Many students came to the Lord because of this. It was such a joy to work with them, that I was challenged to become a full time worker with the church for 12 years.”
Iris Chua, Vicar’s Warden, E1, has been with the Church for 35 years. She came to the Lord during the Billy Graham crusade in December 1978 and St. Hilda’s Church was asked to follow up with her for nurturing.
– A testimony by iris Chua. E1, 2014
“We should be faithful to our Church, to our religion. We must continue to come to church and not church hop. Be it that a sermon sounds boring or seems to be lecturing to you, it is the Word of God. Can you be a pastor to preach? You don’t worship the man behind the preacher’s stand; you come here to worship God.”
– A Testimony by Suzy Choo. Aged 79. E1, 2014
Suzy Choo was a student at St Hilda’s School in the 1940’s after the War. She brought her then-boyfriend, a non-believer, to the Church where he later received Christ. She hopes to see the youth of the Church grow up to serve the Lord in St Hilda’s.
I felt the Spirit during praise and worship. But I resisted and did not respond to the altar call. The next week, I went up. It felt as if the Lord lifted me off my seat! Two weeks later, my husband accepted the Lord. We have been slain many times since and have grown deeply in the Lord.
– A testimony by Pearl Wee. E2, 2014
(Pearl and another Church member, Tina Kong, were given a vision for the Church to be a house of prayer for all missions. They are now part of the FISH prayer ministry. She adds, “We don’t pray enough. There is a poverty of prayers. Prayers move the Hand of God.”)
St Hilda’s has always impacted me as a family church, It’s not a ‘rah-rah’ church but a sober, family oriented and steadfast church. It’s the people and the pastors leading that make the church. I was a church dropout then, but I am thankful that I was brought back to church because of the revival service.
– Patrick Hu has been attending the Church for 45 years. His mother, Pearline Hu, brought him to St Hilda’s, “which makes me a second generation worshipper here”.
I used to only attend church on Easter and Christmas.But when I had my muscle problems, many church members came to minister and pray for me. I didn’t even know how they knew about my sickness. Even Revd Alex Pataan prayed with me. When he did, I felt God come alive in my heart. I felt like I was going to be healed and praise be to God, I was. There are so many testimonies I would like to share, but the most memorable is the encouragement and the love of the church members who helped me see St. Hilda’s as the church I wanted to be in always.”
– Mary Foo, in her mid-70s, joined the Church in 1969 during Vicar Lim Peng Soon’s time. She is grateful that the Church has helped her through many difficult times in her life.
伤口复原,回去复诊,医生说我是第四期子宫癌,还须接受六次化疗. 10月9日开始第一支化疗,打完第十天,白血球下降开始发烧,急诊入院,住进隔离普通病房.夜里医生来了好几回,一直在我耳边说,你的白血球很低很低,几乎是零,如果感染,会有生命危险.当时我听了心中并不会害怕,只有祷告主说,主啊,一切在你手中,求主保守.我有主的同在.感谢主,十天后出院.这次我真的是虽行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为主与我同在.阿们.
过后第二次至第六次化疗都算平安, 神是我的帮助,我的依靠.我每天用诗篇16:8-9祷告.紧紧抓住神, 神让我能顺利完成六次的化疗.第三次化疗CTscan检查体内就已没癌细胞了,六次化疗后,血液CA125指数也降到正常水平,感谢神的医治.也感谢大家的爱心.
In July 2013, I found some body abnormality. A medical examination found that I had womb cancer. On 9 September, I underwent a major operation to have the whole ovary removed. During the operation, it was discovered that the cancer cells had spread to a portion of the intestines and liver membrane. So an emergency operation to remove the affected intestinal parts was performed.
A fast and prayer session was conducted in St Hilda’s Church. Members from the English, Mandarin and Hokkien congregations gathered to pray for me. Other brothers and sisters also prayed for me. On the day of the operation, I saw everyone’s concerted effo and love . Thank God, though there were some complications during the operation, God saw through it all and everything went off smoothly.
The wounds healed and I went back for consultation. The doctor said that I had stage 4 cancer and I had to undergo six rounds of chemotherapy. On 9 October, I started the first round. Ten days after that, my white corpuscles level fell and I started to have a fever. I was admitted to the A and E department and placed under intensive care. During the night, a doctor visited me a few times and told me that my white blood corpuscles level was extremely low. If I were infected, there would be danger to my life. When I heard that, I was not afraid but prayed to God , “Lord, everything is in Your hands. Please watch over me.” I had the Lord with me. Thank God, ten days later, I was discharged. This time, though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I feared no evil for the Lord was with me. Amen.
The 2nd to the 6th rounds went off quite smoothly. God is my help on whom I rely. Every day I used Psalm 16:8 to 9 to pray. I clung closely to God. He saw through my 6 rounds of chemotherapy successfully. During the 3rd round, the C T scan showed no more cancer cells in my body. After the 6th round, the blood index level CA125showed that it had fallen to a normal level. Thank God for the healing and also all of you for your love.
I would like to share my testimony in how God helped me in my PSLE examinations.
I have both Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and Sensory Integration Disorder. So you can guess how stressed and anxious my parents are during my exams.
Last year, I was particularly worried as I wanted to pass PSLE badly. As expected, I failed my prelims. My teachers were very concerned and they expressed their fears to my parents.
Leading to PSLE, my mum quit her job. She spent her time praying for me and coaching me. I also prayed.
I tried my best to study but most times I could not manage to be still in order to put in time for studying. But when the PSLE results were released I was very surprised that I passed all subjects!
I got 171 points compared to my prelims of slightly above a hundred! This result got me into the Normal Academic level. I call this a miracle from God. God answered our prayers.
I thanked Him with all my heart. Though my results may not be great, I am sure it would not be this good without God’s grace and provision. God answered my prayers. For this, I am very thankful.
God is great!
The doctors advised me to prepare for John’s funeral. Distraught, I went back to church to pray and read the Bible. A few members and staff in church saw me and prayed with me.
A while later, I went back to the hospital and found many church members, staff, St Hilda’s teachers and even Bishop Chiu Ban It waiting outside the ICU. I was very touched by their love, care and prayers.
Even the doctors and nurses told me that they had never seen any patient with so many visitors.
And by God’s Grace, John recovered that night.
Mary John, in her late 80s, is the wife of the late Verger, John Peter, and mother of worship leader Lily John-Tow. She remembers Christmas Eve in 1975, when he suffered a heart attack.
Six months ago I discovered a lump about half a ping-pong ball size on the right side of my throat. I had no discomfort at all but I went on to consult an ENT specialist. I was told a cyst had formed around my thyroid gland.
An operation was scheduled on 23rd April. However, it had to be rescheduled because they needed to put me through a thread mill test as my ECG results gave cause for concern. Praise God I passed the test.
When the day of surgery came, with general anaesthesia, on 22nd May, a call for prayers was sent out to my cell group, the Cambodia team and others.
The Bible says a cheerful and joyful heart is good medicine. When I knew so many were praying for me, I was happy and glad.
I also had good medicine before going into the operating theatre. I prayed personalized scriptures that I had memorized as prayers.
Then it was over. When I woke up there was no pain – just a little discomfort in the throat. I could eat and go to the toilet holding on to the plastic bottle with a tube attached to my throat to drain out the blood and liquid. I slept well.
I think with all the prayers lifted up to the Lord, an angel must have collected them in an extra large golden bowl, presented it at the Altar, and when the answer was poured back – WOW!
The other patients on my left and right had no appetite and were feeling nauseous, and I had nothing of that!! Praise God.
If you ask me to describe this whole episode I would say I was pampered and blessed.
The day before my surgery I was treated to a sumptuous lunch. After surgery I ate and rested well for two nights in the hospital. On the third day after checking out I was taken for a car ride to Sembawang Park. There I had kampong chicken which I thought I would not be able to swallow, and topped it with a delicious dinner.
I got to stay with Susie in her house in a large airy room and she had her maid to look after me. I had the blessing of home-cooked meals for a week. Best of all, I attended Church on Sunday and was able to give thanks to God and to say thank you to my brothers and sisters in Christ for their prayers.
I am fully recovered now. All Glory to God
When I started attending cell groups, they made a huge impact on me. We used to have them at my place. Now I attend the cell group at Bok Soon Lian’s home. We are called the ‘Marshallites’. Because of Bible Study I have come closer to the Lord. I have made friends that last, which is hard at this age as I am not working. So I look forward to the fortnightly sessions when we meet. I am very thankful for church members in ‘Marshallites’ who visited me and took care of me when I was admitted into hospital.
May Low, in her mid-80s, has been attending St. Hilda’s since before the War. She was brought to Church by Canon Adams, then the principal of St Andrew’s School. A long-time teacher at the Kindergarten, she shares her experience of fortnightly cell groups.
Last week, our brother David Chan reminded us in the story about Mary that our lives are marked by certain defining moments and how the choices we make determine the levels of our relationship with God.
Today, I thank God for the privilege of standing before you to share three personally defining moments. When I was much younger, my job as an Export Manager in a branded fashion company brought me to new places. As a young woman I was learning that a little charm could gain much.
One night, as I stood outside an expensive restaurant after an excessively luxurious dinner, I noticed a little girl, perhaps of not more than 4 years old. She was chasing and begging from people who were crossing a winding and dangerous road made worse by speeding cars. Not far away on a bench, a youngish man sat smoking with a woman beside him. The girl was running to and from them. I noticed that she had failed to collect anything. I took out some dollars and walked towards her. As I put the money into her little hands, those huge eyes met mine; there was something in them that haunted me until now. She ran back to the couple whom I had decided by that time, were her parents. They took the money and gave her a piece of plain bread. I saw those huge eyes brighten as she sat down by the road to savour her reward. This scene kept replaying in my mind as I walked back to my luxurious room and for the first time in more than 15 years, knelt before God and asked, “Why?”
You see, I had accepted Christ at the age of 12. There was no follow up and I had no relationship with God; a situation made worse when I joined the work force and saw the hypocrisy of many self-proclaimed Christians.
Unknown to me my sister Hannah was praying for my soul during that time. I continued to pray for an answer to my question “Why?” A few weeks afterwards, I had an eerie and uncomfortable spiritual encounter in Bangkok that challenged me to make a decision about my relationship with God and to then receive the Holy Spirit afresh.
Sometime in 2011, I left the mega-church that I had attended since 1997. I was praying for God to lead me to the right church. By chance one afternoon I walked past St. Hilda’s with Jonathan. We took a look at the fading sign board with its falling letters and concluded that it was a “dead” church and not the church for me. However, by God’s grace we were drawn to walk past it again a few weeks later.
The next day was a Sunday and in obedience to the Spirit’s prompting, we went in and found a warm, friendly and welcoming community. It was in this community that I experienced a deepening engagement with Scripture and saw the fruit of the Spirit in many of the brothers and sisters I had the privilege of getting to know.
My relationship with God was renewed in a fresh way and I hungered after a deeper relationship with Him. I engaged myself with Scripture and felt His Spirit working within me. Over the months that followed I attended bible courses both here and at the Cathedral and chewed on the teachings in commentaries written by people like William Barclay, JC Ryle, Henry Mathew, John Stott and Watchman Nee. Spiritually I grew inwardly like never before.
But it was not until this visit to Cambodia that I realised the inward transformation had taken place. Up until this time, I had avoided praying in public but now when asked, I felt able to say Grace before the food we shared as a team and to pray and lay hands on those who came forward. I experienced His Spirit working in me through the mysterious power of His word through these prayers.
When the team visited the villages, I saw again and again the same eyes that had haunted me in Shanghai as I distributed gifts to the children. Many times I experienced those brightening eyes of pure joy as they received our simple gifts. This led me to ask: “Is it not about time that we stood back and looked more closely at ourselves and our own lives?” Can we live side by side with such need and remain unmoved?
What else did I see in Cambodia? I saw the hands of God moving. I saw the labour put in by faithful brothers and sisters bearing fruit. I saw hunger not only for physical but also for spiritual food. I saw many open hearts. I saw land waiting to be ploughed and hectares and hectares of rice waiting to be harvested. I saw that the workers are few and the resources are inadequate.
But most of all, I saw the pleading eyes of Jesus that seemed to say, in the faces of those we met: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” I was deeply moved and prayed: “Lord, here I am, use me,” and saw the brightening eyes of Jesus in these same eyes.
These were the same eyes I first met in Shanghai which completely changed my life and saw again in Cambodia, eyes that speak of Jesus and of deep needs. They remain with me. Can we take some time to still our souls and engage with the life transforming Word of God and ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to guide this church in its response to the practical and spiritual needs which are opportunities to demonstrate the love of God in action?
Jesus says in 1 John 3:18:
“Dear children, let us love not with words or speech but with the actions and in truth.”
If the Spirit is stirring your heart, this is a defining moment in your journey. I hope I will be in Cambodia next year. I hope you will be too.
My first mission was to Indonesia. I attended an Indonesian mission meeting but after the meeting I decided not to go. I was not prepared as I did not know how to pray, especially in public. I have been asked: Who prepares you and I just point my finger upwards.
However, I went eventually and I did learn to pray aloud.
Mission is not just we go and bless and encourage others, etc. I am also encouraged. I become more conscious of my own style of living, and each member of the team is touched by the experience given to us as individuals by God.
This no money can buy. We will say: Wow God! You are awesome. Same country, same place but each mission is so different! Let me share some personal but important happenings.
Morning arrival in Indonesia and I was seated in the kijang (four-wheel drive). I closed my eyes to rest. I was in the shade, looking at bright sunshine and three kijangs on the mountain road. Then the first kijang I was in fell off the side. I was shocked and opened my eyes and asked God: what are you trying to tell me? I closed my eyes again and saw the same vision. But the third time when I closed my eyes, at the corner of my eyes I could see a white gloved hand reaching out and catching the kijang as it fell and putting it back on the road….I did not know but God knows probably that I was very fearful because we went up the mountains and down the valleys that day. When I looked out the window I could not see the road but the edge of the mountain; but I was at peace and not fearful.
On another mission I had doubts about what I could be doing as there was no children ministry. I had an old small round clock without batteries on my window seal. It had green paint but it was not florescent. I prayed and waited. One night I got up to go to the toilet and saw the clock lit up. The next time, I was not sure whether I was dreaming. Then another week later I got up and saw the clock lit up. I pinched myself to make sure I was awake, took the clock and stared at it….all the numbers and the tips of the short and long hands were lit up. I just cried and knelt down to give thanks that I had the answer to go on the mission.
During mission meetings, sometimes one would have a dream and say you’re my room-mate so we are both going. Another would dream, waiting at the bus stop, and this bus with all the members and the leader on board just say come on up….confirms that person joined us.
Matthew 28:18-20 : What is the Great Commission and why is it important to Christians today? As the last recorded personal directive of the Saviour to His disciples, it holds great significance to all followers of Christ. As many have said, it’s not “The Great Suggestion.” No, the Lord has commanded us to put our faith in action.
So, no, there is no need to wait for God to call again!
I made a choice as a discipline for myself to take leave, leave behind all my weights, my work, etc and go on 4-5 day missions and just focus on what God wants us to do. Mission to me is three words, focus, focus and focus on God – no shopping, no distractions, no worries – for Abba Father knows best.
What a privilege, to be able to go forth in His Name.
There had been a growing desire for me to get involved in missions, and the opportunity presented itself in 2010. However, I hesitated as I felt that I was “unfit”.
Last year, when the call came, I was very interested and voiced out my desire to my friend Tina, who not only encouraged me, but promptly said that she was also going, and on the spot signed me up.
The Lord has been very gracious to give me this opportunity to serve Him.
When I first laid eyes on this little church standing amidst padi fields after a long trip from Phnom Penh and into unmapped territory, the thought came to mind that God really works in amazing ways to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
It was with growing wonder that I saw the local people already gathering and arriving in from all directions, with expectations on their faces as they welcomed us.
Without further ado, we organised ourselves and started the ministry.
In the afternoon, we embarked on a prayer walk around the village, and I got to observe the simple rural life of the countryside. We visited a few houses and prayed for the families. I shied away when first prompted to pray for one of the families, though.
However, on the second day, when the altar call came, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me forward. The numbers who turned up were in the hundreds. The harvest was ripe but the workers were few!
I started to pray for groups of women. It seemed the natural thing to do.
I realised that you don’t need any formula or special “style”. Just simple prayers, straight from the heart, and sincere. After hugging one lady, as she drew away, I saw tears in her eyes, and I was so moved by her faith. I was not praying in her language, but I think she understood that God was listening to her needs and ministering to her.
I feel very privileged and blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in this mission trip and experience first-hand how God grows the church from little seedlings. When we take that leap of faith to reach out, God will ultimately do the rest.
To God be the honour, the glory and the power!
It was thanksgiving night, the last day after three fruitful ones at The Saujana, Kuala Lumpur.
At sunset, all the church campers were enjoying sumptuous BBQ buffet banquet on well decorated seating by the poolside, overlooking a tranquil lake. Dusk fell and some moments after David Soh’s request for anyone to say a few words of thanks, my father-in-law, Jimmy, took the stage and said:
“I’m not Christian, but I feel accepted amongst you. Your warmth and friendship made me feel welcomed….I’m glad to be here to learn more about Jesus Christ.”
My husband and I gasped, glanced at each other, and simply smiled. In our hearts, we were giving God a high five. Surely it would take more than one glass of spirit (red wine to be exact) for a Buddhist man to make such a bold statement. Surely, it must have been the workings of the Holy Spirit!
It was already a marvel that my pre-believing parents and siblings-in-law had agreed to come at all, so we rejoiced when they attended all the sermon sessions by Pastor Pax with an open mind. We believe without a doubt that seeds had been planted in their hearts, just as we prayed for.
After all, as Apostle Paul said,
(1 Corinthians 3:6-9) I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.9 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.
Indeed, it was a wonderful testimony of the power of God’s love working through the sincere hearts and kind gestures of my fellow Christian brothers and sisters, who extended their friendship readily to my in-laws.
The organizing committee, led by David Soh, labored tirelessly as ‘God’s fellow workers’ as well. Their genuine care for our well-being, meticulousness in planning every detail, and cheerfulness in dispensing such a role were inspiring, and certainly modelled the theme for the church camp itself: Loving God, touching hearts, and reaching the world.
Overall, we were well-fed physically and spiritually. Like the buffet line at every meal in The Saujana, the opportunity to learn about God’s great love, to worship Him and to enjoy the fellowship of my family and friends was abundant, making the whole experience priceless.
Above all, God’s grace was evident at every stage, and I’m so thankful.
I was very excited that I could go for last year’s “Cook-out” Christmas Outreach in Cambodia, but a little apprehensive as I did not know what was expected of me on the mission trip as it was also my first trip to Cambodia. After much praying and seeking God for an answer, I felt that He gave me the assurance, “Walk by faith. I will be with you.” So I went with His blessings.
The five days in Phnom Penh not only opened my eyes but also my heart. I experienced His presence very strongly. He is so real and He is an awesome God.
Every morning, the travel to Svay Prahoot Village was unforgettable. Our group had to travel 5 km on a very narrow, bumpy, and muddy road (if you can even call that a road). In the vehicle, I felt as if my bones were all being shaken. But we forgot all our discomfort as soon as we saw the green padi fields on both sides of our vehicles, which extended as far as our eyes could see. What lovely sights: green fields, blue sky, and the sun shining so brightly. Truly God’s creation is wonderful! I could sense God’s Spirit hovering, moving above the whole village. He is watchful and pouring down His blessings and grace upon this land. How great is His love for the people of Cambodia.
I also personally experienced God’s gracious love and provision. Before this mission trip, I had been suffering from bad knee and joint pains on my right leg for several months. I was on various medications and had been undergoing physiotherapy. I prayed and sought God, asking Him to sustain me as I served on this mission trip. God is good – not only did He sustain and uphold me, He took away the pain throughout the five days. I did not have to take a single painkiller or other pill. I was able to eat well, sleep well, and miraculously did not feel tired at all. Praise the Lord.
Visiting the villagers from house to house was physically challenging. We had to walk miles through padi fields on narrow muddy paths. One day, just before the last house we were visiting, my slipper on my right foot snapped. I was dismayed at the prospect of having to make my way back through the same path that we came – barefooted. But even before I could open my mouth, I found a worn-out slipper (in a men’s size) in the bushes just by the fence. Amazingly, it was a slipper for the right foot! So, donning two slippers of different sizes, I dragged myself back. It was better than having to walk bare-footed! I want to give God the glory – that He is Love, and He knows our needs even before we articulate them. He knew the problem I had in my right knee, and provided for me.
To share the love of Christ on this mission trip was a privilege. But to have experienced His love in such a personal encounter was an added unforgettable bonus. It gave me a personal testimony of our Father’s practical love for us in the tiniest of details. I thank our Heavenly Father for giving me such an opportunity and for using even me in Cambodia. Glory be to our God!
Hello everyone, I’m Peter and I’m a volunteer for the recent 2011 Youth Mission Trip to Malacca. Before the trip, I felt that I had lost touch with God and this was one of the reasons I decided to go for it.
During my five days and four nights, we got to lead teams of children through a fun competition to help them get a better understanding of the story, Narnia.
Though it was tough getting them to work together to finish the activities, I was continuously reminded of the verse, 2 Chronicles 15:7 which reads: “Be strong. Therefore, and let not your hands be weak and slack, for your work shall be rewarded.”
We also faced other problems like no water supply, iguanas, not to mention that we almost lost each other when we split up on the day we went out to town.
But it was in times like these that we saw God’s grace working in our lives. I also learned to be more brave because I know that God is always with me. I just want to give thanks to God for helping me to change and giving me a nice life here in Singapore.
Have you ever had a vision in your life? If you had, did you know what to do with it?
Well, this is exactly what happened to me two years ago in 2009. At that time, my mother, Mrs Beatrice Chew, was suspected of having a recurrence of breast cancer. When I heard about the news, I was very upset for my mother as she was in her 80s.
One sleepless night in October 2009, I sat up in bed. It was as if I received a night vision. A strange animal seemed to pop out of nowhere in an animated form and suddenly it was as if I saw a whole load of other animals coming to life as well. They seemed oblivious to my presence talking to one another, dancing and singing.
The myriad activities they were engaged in fascinated me endlessly. I was the silent spectator to this seemingly fictitious world known as Evergreen Forest.
The vision lasted throughout the night and into the early hours the next day. Strangely enough, when the alarm bell rang, I was surprised that although I had not slept at all, I was not sleepy.
I continued my normal activities that day without missing a beat. That night, I shared my experience with an intercessor. My friend Iris Purn, excitedly told me that she felt this vision came from God. She surprised me even further and asked me to consider writing a book!
And that was the beginning of my writing a children’s book called: “Tony Tapir and Friends.”
This book was virtually written whilst I was accompanying my mother going in and out of the hospital at that time. It occupied my mind when I was feeling bored waiting in the hospital, or feeling nervous and depressed at the number of sick people there.
After finishing writing the first draft of the book in three weeks, I felt that there were hidden messages which Jesus had given to me.
He revealed to me so wonderfully that Rex the Lion was Jesus Himself. In the opening chapter, He had invited all the animals of this forest to his birthday party. As Christians, we know that this event is Christmas. The venue was the Spice Garden. Jesus revealed that just as the allegory in the Song of Soloman where the King entreats the Shulamite woman , Jesus longs to have a relationship with us. SONG OF SOLOMAN 4 v 12-16
There were many other biblical threads running through this vision. Truly I was awed by God’s goodness in entrusting this project with me.
Iris Purn not only came alongside me, but Dorcas Lek, her former classmate from Tung Ling Bible School. They helped me to birth this vision. Then other intercessors from other churches, the U.K. and the U.S. also came alongside praying for this book to come forth.
During this very difficult period, my mother and I also experienced the love, concern and support of God from church members in very practical ways. Allison Chee, Mrs. Chee Keuk Fong, Mrs. Chua Ah Liang, and Iris Chua took turns to ferry mother and me to hospital or visit her whilst she was there. May Chee and also Mama Boon added their prayer missiles to “prop up our leaning side” as Mama Boon often prays.
When this ordeal was over and my mother was pronounced free of cancer, I continued with the final drafts of my book and looked for an artist and printer. This took a whole year and in December 2010, the book was finally launched just before Christmas.
I praise God that He gave me a vision. But most important of all, that He gave me friends that were able to also run with the vision HABAKKUK 2 v 2
The Lord has also blessed me by giving me great encouragement in hearing the rhema word of the pastors and also by Amy Ong in the Wednesday fellowship group. This has helped to grow my faith during the times of shaking.
However, the latest thing for me to give thanksgiving is for a beautiful birthday present the Lord gave me. This also coincided with the church’s 77th anniversary. A book review of “Tony Tapir and Friends,” by Sheryl Quek, a journalist with the Straits Times, in “Little Red Dot” – a children’s magazine- came out on the 15th November 2011. I do not take these things for granted, and really praise God for taking me this far in this journey.
I give Jesus the glory for what He has done thus far. If Jesus has done this for me, He can also do this for you. Amen.
In late 1995, my family and I were looking to move on from the Baptist church we had attended and served in. We were led to “visit” St. Hilda’s Church as we were living alongTanjong Katong Roadthen. Our association till then was that we had used the former Anglican Retreat Centre once for a church camp and also our good friends and present members, Mr & Mrs Freddy Chew, were graciously allowed to use the Church for their wedding in 1987.
We stumbled into St Hilda’s on Sunday 1 October,1995, without even knowing the time of the Sunday worship service! But God was ahead of us preparing our way; we were warmly welcomed and eased into the 10am service by sister Rosalyn Tay and many others. From then on, we never looked back and have madeSt. Hilda’s our spiritual home.
We started attending an inter-generational cell group, Families-in-Touch (FIT), led by Chris Chong whom we knew from our earlier involvement in the Varsity Christian Fellowship. God prospered this cell growing it into 3 such FIT cells that continue to meet even after some of us have children that have now become teenagers and young adults!
In 1996, my youngest son Asriel was born. Asriel means “God has filled with joy”. Indeed in more ways than this physical addition, God continues to fill our family with His joy! Out of this, God moved Fung Fung and I to moot the idea of a ministry for the young ones. The Cradle Club was birthed in 1997 after the PCC accepted our proposal.
Over the past 14 years, our greatest joy and amazement is to hear testimonies from those who were once toddlers, still singing songs from the “Son-castle Fair”, a Vacation Bible School programme that had clearly impacted them!
In 1999, God opened the door for St Hilda’s Church to start a community outreach programme in Kampong Arang. Through a series of divine events, I also sensed the Lord’s calling for me to serve here, fulfilling my pledge to serve God full-time one day. This pledge, made in 1984, was to build up the broken walls of the Church: a challenge from the exposition of the book of Nehemiah. This was something I constantly sought to hear and obey God; even while studying in NUS and working as an Accountant wherever God placed me.
On 10 December 1999, I started work with LoveCOPE that would later become St. Hilda’s Community Services Centre. Till I left on 31 December 2006 to start full time theological studies in TTC, the faithfulness of God in providing resources, opening doors, mobilizing St. Hildans, touching and transforming lives of the Kampong Arang community and up to the formation of the present Hokkien congregation is something I will always look back with awe at how God has blessed St Hilda’s.
Since June 2008, I have obeyed God’s call to serve as Parish Worker and subsequently ordained as Deacon and now a Priest. Psalm 145:4-5 says “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.” Indeed, who am I Lord, one so weak and fragile, that You have called me and love me in such wonderful ways? Looking back, I know that it is possible only with God’s grace and my heart overflows with praise for Him and the St. Hilda’s family as we celebrate His faithfulness to us all once again!
On 7th Dec I would have been a Christian and worshipping at St Hilda’s Church for 33 years. Through all the years, I have had many mentors who helped me, believed in me and encouraged me in my Walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Like the Apostle Paul in Romans Chapter 16, I would love to name them all but it is an impossibility.
Our Lord designed me and know where I can best serve Him. He sent me here after the Singapore Billy Graham Crusade. My first contacts were Mrs Helen Li and her late husband Mr Li Man On.
They followed me up and made sure I was integrated into life here involved in the different ministries. I specially thank the Lord Jesus that I was given the opportunity to speak to my Godpa Mr Li before he passed away recently to thank him for being God’s instrument in my life.
My foundation in the Christian faith was started by our Vicar Canon Soon who was also the curate at that time. He took me through the baptism and confirmation couses and Life in the Spirit teachings.
Mrs Ho Kah Kiam, Samuel Ratnam and John Teo were also strongly used by the Lord to deepen my understanding of the Word through personal teachings and Bible Study groups.
I was also involved in the Sunday School, Youth Groups, Adult Training Fellowship, Cell Groups, PCC and Synod right from the start! God is so amazing. I learnt first hand from Mrs Khoo Tin Neo on how to manage the Welfare needs of different members buying them food monthly and seeing that their daily needs are met. She is a great example of a faithful servant of the Lord as I see her serving the Lord in the breakfast team even now at the age of 87years!!
I am not able to mention everyone in this short testimony but I owe all of you a debt of gratitude as you surround me with your prayers, fellowship, care and concern. The friendships of each one at St Hilda’s Church are very precious to me!!
Li Man On married Helen in St. Hilda’s Church on 15 April,1963. He passed on peacefully to be with our Lord on Sept 2, 2011 at age 83, leaving his wife who is 73 years old behind. The last week of Man On’s life, he prayed:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you, in the name of Jesus, through the blood of Christ. I thank you for giving me a partner, Helen, together on this earth and have a blessed family with four children and 6 grandchildren. We had gone through thick-and-thin together. As I am leaving this world, I hand my whole family into Your hands. Helen is a good wife, mother, and grandmother. And I thank all people who lifted me in prayers during my sickness of cancer, when I was diagnosed with 4th stage Colon cancer which spread to the liver.”
Helen and the children brought him to UCSF hospital for chemotherapy since Feb 2010 for a year, and for the most part, he did not feel the side effects of nausea, diarrhoea, or pain that many chemotherapy patients experience. He was even able to go to his flute class in the period he received treatments. His last flute recital was 20 May, 2011. Every time he had an appointment with his oncologists, they asked him how he felt, and he would reply that he did not feel any negative side effects. Helen and Man On always claimed the verses in
John 14:13-14,
“13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
And Isaiah 53:4-5,
“4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed..”
And Philippians 4:13
“13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
By the wisdom of God, Helen was able to care for him with the right foods as she managed to go to UCSF research center to get a list of the potassium levels of fruits and vegetables. With proper care by avoidance fruits/vegetables with high potassium levels, it helped prolong the health of his kidneys.
During this time, Helen also nourished his spirit by singing the song “Love lifted Him.” The doctor had only expected him to live for one year since the diagnosis in January 2010, but God was gracious and he lived for 18 months till 2 Sept, 2011.
Man On worked for SIA as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. He served as People’s Warden in St. Hilda’s Church. In the US, he served in the Chinese congregation bible study group by playing the piano. He also volunteered for social work in San Francisco Chinatown.
His children said that the best gifts Dad gave them was bringing them to church to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and also to give them opportunities by sending them to the U.S.A. for tertiary education. He learned the organ at the age of 55, golf at 72, and flute at 78 years old.
Man On’s mantra in life was: “One is never too old to learn.”
By the grace of God, after 25 years of service, I gracefully retired on 2 May, 1987 from the Republic of Singapore Navy at the age of 55. I hung up my uniform not knowing that I would wear another kind of white uniform in later years.
When I was the Commanding Officer of RSS Resolution I had a cell group going on board the ship several of my crew members from many denominations. We met every other night so as to cater for those on duty. No meetings were held during foul weather (typhoons, etc.) or when we were involved in an exercise with other ships. My ship would be away from home for approximately eight months in a year.
To the surprise of my colleagues, just before I retired, I attended the SAF Counselling Course. They told me that after counselling my crew members for years, I need not do it. Little did I know that the Lord was leading and preparing me for His purpose.
After retiring, I intended to rest for one month. But after two weeks, I got up one morning, ate breakfast, and wore my uniform. Betty was watching me all this time but kept quiet. I walked to the front door to wear my shoes and took my cap. Only then did Betty ask me where I intended to go. I said that I intended to go to work. She said: “You are retired now”.
Well, old habits die hard. We had a good laugh and I eventually got rid of all my uniforms.
For six months, I worked as a housing estate agent. I did not like the work. Then I was guided by the Holy Spirit to have a chat with Rev. David Stitt. It was in 1987. He offered me a job but I didn’t want a full time job. So I worked on a half-a-day basis and he took me along whenever he visited the elderly at their homes or in the nursing homes. He was preparing me. He subsequently asked me to take charge of these visits after he left in 1988.
It was during this time that, by chance, I met with the late Rev Henry Khoo. He was then the Chaplain of the Prison Ministry. He ask me if I would like to counsel prisoners in Changi Prison. It was a challenging ministry and I agreed. He became my mentor and I attended a Christian Counselling Course.
My first councelling session at Hall 6 Changi Prison, even in the company of another Counsellor, was frightening. We went through six gates, and the way the prisoners stared at us scared me even more. It was the start of my three years (from end of 1988 to end of 1991) in Prisoner Ministry.
In my first and second solo counselling sessions of drug pushers in Hall 8, I had only one prisoner who wanted counselling and prayers. I felt very disappointed. But the latter prisoner (I shall call him ‘John’) told me that the rest were very suspicious of ‘new counsellors’ as they suspected the Prison Authorities of planting ‘moles’ amongst them. He then shared his tea with me. I drank from his plastic mug which he offered me, not knowing that I was being ‘observed’.
On the fifth week, to my utter surprise, the ‘Group Leader’ among the inmates called ‘Henry’, (not his real name) approached me and asked if he could also join my counselling session. I didn’t know then that the plastic mug of tea which I drank from did the trick. But it was not the cue as I first thought. It was a signal from God, following which Henry brought 11 other inmates to join us twice a week., That was not the end. Henry said that he would arrange for two translators, i.e., one for Mandarin and the other Cantonese, to help translate what I say. Another inmate also translated the hymns we sang. Suddenly, my fear was gone and joy came into my heart. If that was not a miracle, then what is?
I informed Rev Henry Khoo later and we prayed together to thank the Lord for directing us in the work that we were doing. The next Sunday service for the prisoners, inside the prison hall, Henry testified and thanked God for Rev Khoo who arranged for ‘sincere counsellors’ to boost their morale.
After eight months, in addition to Changi Prison, Rev Khoo assigned me to counsel the inmates at the Reformatory Centre at Ulu Siglap every Sunday afternoon. Prisoners under the age of 18 were sent there to the delight of Rev Alex Paatan whose God son was also an inmate there.
I invited ‘John’ and ‘Henry’ to attend 8am service at St. Hilda’s Church after they were released from prison. They came and I did not tell anyone that they were former prisoners. Confidentiality is the rule between counsellors and counselees’.
After I left the Prison Ministry, some of the inmates asked Rev Khoo what happened to me. He told them that I was working elsewhere. I heard that ‘John’ was working at a factory and ‘Henry’ had a business in China. Sadly, one other inmate, due to peer pressure, had gone back to pushing drugs, was caught and hung for doing so. I have no news of the other nine inmates and some of those who were at the Reformatory Centre except for Rev Paatan’s God son who is now working.
I then worked full time as the Warden of the now defunct Anglican Retreat Centre for five years, (1992 to 1997), and lived in the third floor flat of 41, Ceylon Road. It was a very eventful five years when, something unpleasant happened at the ARC which almost made me leave St. Hilda’s Church.
I am now fully retired but I still wear a different uniform – that of a Lay Reader on Sundays or festival days. I remember the remark made by the Ven. Wong Tuck Meng when he spoke with Adrian and me at the 100th anniversary of the Diocese of Singapore: “I am pleased to see two generations of Lay Readers serving together for the glory of the Lord” or words to that effect’.
This is my testimony of God’s Love and My Mother’s Salvation.
I want to thank God and give Him all Glory and Praise for the salvation of my mother in March this year.
My mother had kidney failure since last year. In October, she had a fall. She fractured her hip but she could not go through surgery to fix it because her kidneys were only functioning at six percent and she was already eighty- four years old. She refused dialysis as she said she was already so old. The doctor also said that her heart might fail and she was not strong enough to take daily dialysis.
I had been trying to share Christ with her by bringing friends to visit her for many years. She was exposed to the love of Christ by different friends of mine. For more than ten years, I had been praying for her salvation. I had taken her to Mandarin services and outreaches where she heard of God’s goodness and love, but there was no response from her. However, I believed the seed had been sown along the way and was watered.
About ten years ago, she had a drug allergy which could be fatal. She had a fever and her body was bloated. My friend, Lois, visited her often and shared God’s word with her in Mandarin. She allowed Lois to pray for her but she did not want to become a Christian. Lois told her that she would pray with her for Jesus to heal her and that when she was healed she must receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.
After the prayer, my mother was healed! Lois came back and asked if she wanted to receive Jesus. She smiled but did not commit herself. Then Lois encouraged me to be the one to give the salvation call to my mother, and she stopped visiting my mother for about ten years.
When Mother was dying of kidney failure in February this year, I looked for someone who could share the gospel in Mandarin with her one last time. All these years my daughters and I had been praying for her salvation. We prayed for her salvation in our cell group too. Then the Lord revealed that I should call on Lois to share the gospel with her.
On the way to the hospital, I prayed for the Lord’s mercy. When my mother saw Lois, she was so happy– like she was seeing a long lost friend. She committed her life to Jesus and was saved! Praise God! She was baptised a week later by Rev. Huang and passed away the following week. All glory and thanksgiving to Almighty God for his saving grace!
Two Sundays ago (8/10/2011) I went back to St. Hilda’s after a long hiatus. As some of you might know, I had taken time off from Worship Ministry and church to help around the home on Sundays. As my domestic helper was on her day off I needed to be around to help my ailing dad and disabled brother.
Getting another helper was an option we explored but financially we were tight with all the medical expenses to bear. It was a difficult decision for me to step off from song leading and also coming to church. However, I knew it was the only option left for me.
Since then, we have had our fair share of shocks and challenges, but through each one of them, one thread runs consistently through the fabric: the thread of God’s love and faithfulness, holding all things together.
As a counsellor, I thought I would be prepared to face these challenges, but I was taken aback at how fragile I was. Yet, I could see at the heart of everything lay this very important thought, “Where was I going to place God in this situation?” God has given us all the free will of choice to decide. He loves us, but we have the choice to make.
To help me make the right choices, I am so thankful for the gift of music and the gift of friends. I had to provide emotional support to my brother, dad and my mum. Physically I was exhausted, mentally I was drained, but with God’s provision of friends and music and the Word, it became my solace.
I would like to share one important verse that really spoke to me during the challenges and situations I faced. It comes from Psalm 118:8,
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.”
That verse sums up the very pivot our human existence hinges on. Do we seek the Lord or do we seek the wisdom of man? Doctors can do many things, science can do wonders, but our God can do MIRACLES!
I am indeed thankful that God never forsook us as a family. God never stopped reminding me that I am the apple of His eye. He did this through the many kind brothers and sisters I have known in church and not forgetting the power of social media.
I am indeed thankful for the family I have in St. Hilda’s, especially Allison Chee and Sim Ai Lin who constantly encouragedand prayed with me, brothers and sisters who imparted a word of encouragement, uttered a prayer and even sent me messages in a song!
Things will never be perfect, but we do have a perfect God who watches over us.
Please keep us in prayer.