
The Collect for 4th Sunday before Lent
Give us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and to do always those things that are right: that we who can do no good thing without you may have power to live according to your holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers for this week:
- Pray for Abp Titus Chung and his leadership team that the Diocese will continue to grow and lead the parishes to reflect God’s glory and love.
- Pray for Abp Badi, Abp Samy and Abp Titus as they come together this weekend to discern the Lord’s direction for the Global South.
- Pray for the church worldwide to be the light for Christ to the community – to share and care and serve the people with love and joy of the Lord.
- Pray that the work of the province will continue to grow and flourish under God’s mighty hand as His people unite in heart, mind and spirit, to advance His Kingdom and exalt His Name.
- Pray for world leaders to strengthen multilateral ties as they adjust to economic challenges.
- Pray for the restoration of peace and order in countries facing political turmoil, for the poor and vulnerable to be cared for and for an end to all wars and conflicts.
- Let us lift up our President, Prime Minister, and his Cabinet Ministers, and all Members of Parliament in prayer. We pray that God’s wisdom and guidance will continue to lead them in their responsibilities as they govern the nation.
- Pray for PM Wong as he prepares to present the 2025 budget.
- PrPray for all government and other agencies involved in the forthcoming General Elections (GE) to prepare well so that every stage in the process leading up to the GE will be efficiently managed and carried out smoothly.
St Hilda’s Church
- Thank God for the Leader’s Meeting on the 8 Feb. Pray for clarity of God’s leading and unity.
- Pray that we will continue to shine the light of Christ and be visible to all; that God will enlarge our tent and extend our influence for His divine purposes.
- Pray for Home Cell Group Leaders and Sunday School teachers to be refreshed in the Lord and anointed to fulfil God’s purpose.
- Pray for our clergy, staff and lay leaders that they will be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience the love and grace of God as they serve Him.
- Pray for those who are sick in body, mind and spirit that the Lord’s peace, and healing be upon them.